Hembach Photonik is one of Europe's leading providers of stray light analysis, with customers primarily in the aerospace, automotive and optical industries.
When designing imaging and illumination optical systems one normally starts assuming ideal optical components. The design is then optimized with respect to the desired imaging or illumination system performance. In reality these idealized conditions are never met. There will be always a certain fraction of straylight (unwanted light) compromising the performance of the optical system:
Stray light deteriorates the system performance through reduced image quality, higher noise/measurement background, damage of components, glare, etc. The straylight performance often decides whether an optical system is operational or not. In any case, it is a criterion for the quality of an optical instrument.
Cassegrain Telescope
Computer-based straylight analysis allows for the diagnosis of the straylight performance, before the system is fabricated, and gives valuable hints how to avoid straylight, e.g., by using suitable baffles. The earlier a straylight analysis is performed during the optical design process, the lower is the risk for a deficient design.
Straylight analyses are standard in the following application fields:
A thorough analysis of stray light is the prerequisite for desiging counter measures. In general, there three three approaches to stray light reduction:
Our team consists of straylight experts with a long experience in analyzing lenses for UV-lithography, camera systems, astronomical telescopes. The main market for straylight analysis is, however, space industry, where our team has successfully accomplished many straylight projects, ranging from star trackers to telescope systems, spectrometers and more. Dr. Bernhard Michel, the founder of Hembach Photonik, is a renowned straylight expert with more than 25 years experience in the field of light scattering.
Double-Gauss Baffle
Particularly in space industriy, straylight analysis is simply a must. We'd be happy to assist you with our know-how as an external partner for straylight analysis: ghost analysis, analysis of scattered light, diffraction from aperture, thermal emission analysis. Based on the results or our analysis, we develop measures against straylight (baffle design, coating recommendations etc). For our analyses we count on the time-proven optical software ASAP. For the post processing of the giant amounts of data that are often produced during an analysis we use our own sofware.
ASAP is a registered trademark of the Breault Research Organization (USA).