"Optical design and straylight analyses of a spatial heterodyne interferometer for the measurement of atmospheric temperature from space"
... is the new optical analysis software by Hembach Photonik - a powerful and flexible tool for research and development .. read more
First steps in RayJack ONE® (ca. 15min)
Surface scattering in RayJack ONE® (ca. 6min)
Basic radiometry and optical analysis (ca. 6min)
How to determine critical objects in RayJack ONE® (ca 12min)
Detectors in RayJack ONE® (ca 12 min)
Reverse Raytracing (ca. 8 min)
Multiple Surface Scattering (ca. 10min)
User defined detectors (ca. 8 min)
When designing imaging and illumination optical systems one normally starts assuming ideal optical components....
Hembach Photonik's competence in optical design is based on the long year experience of its scientific and engineering staff in the field of optics....
When light hits rough surfaces, small particles or material inhomogenieties, it gets deflected from its original direction. ...