Dr. Bernhard Michel

Dr. Bernhard Michel

Phone: +49 9122 8899491

Mail: bm@hembach-photonik.de



  • Administration
  • Project Management
  • Optics of Light Scattering
Dr. Christoph Horneber

Bernd Harand

Phone: +49 9122 8899496

Mail: bh@hembach-photonik.de



  • Stray Light Analysis
  • Imaging Optics
  • Optics for Space

Dr. Bernhard Michel

Robert Fischer

Phone: +49 9122 8899495

Mail: rf@hembach-photonik.de



  • Illumination
  • Mechanical Construction
Dr. Christoph Horneber

Dr. Rojiar Penjweini

Phone: +49 9122 8899493

Mail: rp@hembach-photonik.de



  • Optical Software RayJack ONE®

ContaCt Form

Phone: +49 9122 889949 0


Mail: info@hembach-photonik.de


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Hembach Photonik

Wiesenstraße 3B

D-91126 Schwabach

Easily accessible by public transport:

a comfortable 5 minutes from Schwabach train station


Take the R-Bahn or S-Bahn from Nuremberg in the direction of Roth, travel time 10-20 minutes

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