Das Thema der zweitägigen Konferenz und Ausstellung lautet “Design and Lighting, Technology and electrical architecture to support new mobility”.
Wir freuen uns auf hervorragende Konferenzvorträge und die Möglichkeit zu Diskussionen mit Branchenexperten, bei denen wir auch unsere Produktideen für den Lichtsimulationsmarkt vorstellen möchten.
Hier finden Sie mehr Informationen
Dr. Bernhard Michel, Ludovic Aballea, „Stray light analysis of the ALTIUS Instrument using the optical analysis software RayJack ONE” ,
Workshop on Innovative Technologies for Space Optics, 6—10 November 2023 at ESA-ESTEC
find more information about the WITSO here
"Optical design and straylight analyses of a spatial heterodyne interferometer for the measurement of atmospheric temperature from space"
Advanced Geometry Modeling in RayJack ONE®
In previous releases of RayJack ONE®, we have already implemented all kinds of surfaces typically needed for optical simulations. If there is still one missing, users can supply their own surface
definitions through #Python functions.
In order to facilitate your work in imaging and illumination optics, RayJack ONE®’s latest 3.2.5 release offers the following frequently requested surface types:
· Zernike surfaces, which can be used “stand-alone” or as deformations of a base surface such as an asphere; various conventions for entering Zernike
coefficients are supported
· Toroidal surfaces with an aspheric profile
· Surfaces based on the various types of Forbes polynomials
· User defined NURBS surfaces to allow for true freeform optics
The animation shows ray tracing through a NURBS surface, varying the weight of one of the control points.
Finding Unlikely Ray Paths in RayJack ONE®
Consider a mirror cabinet consisting of three curved mirrors, illuminated by a point source. Only a small fraction of light will finally hit the small detector behind the last
This simple optical system mimics a typical situation in stray light analysis, where light paths are often “unlikely” meaning that only a very few rays follow it. Normally this causes large
statistical errors in the results or excessively long simulation times. But there is a smarter solution …
RayJack ONE®’s path finder tool allows you to find as many rays for a given path as you want. It iteratively searches for rays connecting a sequence of objects until the rays finally hit the
detector. And differential ray tracing ensures noise-free results.
The picture shows a ray trace through the system along with the irradiance distribution and optical path length map on the detector.
Sprecher:Dr. Bernhard Michel
Zum Thema: "Falschlicht: Ursachen, Analyse, Reduktion"
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